Should we dance?
Sometimes we think...
...we almost always assume, we're going
through life surrounded by people.
Then something happens and you realize:
We're entirely alone.
Tonight, while shaving...
...I always shave against the beard
for a closer shave...
...I remembered this razor ad on TV
showing the hair follicles, like this.
The first of the twin blades cuts them here.
Then the hair snaps back
and the second blade cuts them here...
...for a closer, cleaner shave.
That we know.
But what struck me was:
If the hair follicles are going
in this direction and the razor is too...
...then they're shaving in the direction
of the beard, not against it.
So I've shaved the wrong way all my life.
Maybe I misremembered the ad.
The point is...
...I could've shaved the wrong way
all my life and never have known it.
Then I could have taught my son
to shave the wrong way, too.
You have a son?
But I might someday. Then, maybe
I'll teach him to shave the wrong way.
I think maybe my English is not so good.
Did you know that your costume
has your name in it?
God. How odd!