- The coffee's strange here.
- In Barcelona?
It's really messed me up.
You were so condescending.
You think I went into the Navy
because I washed out at Shearson.
- I don't know what happened in New York.
- I didn't wash out.
There was no disgrace.
They said I could go back.
I dreaded 40 years stuck indoors with
two weeks to go snorkeling annually.
A Naval officer has the rare job...
...that deals with the physical world
all day, and it counts.
It is not theoretical.
You dominate the elements
in four dimensions without a slip-up...
...or it gets very wet.
And all that fighting for freedom,
defending democracy, shining stuff...
...which as you know, I really buy.
Jesus. That's right. You do.
The bill has come.
Must have been like this, the night
F. Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner.
- You have already finished?
- Yeah, it's like 2:00 a.m.
Ramon was talking so fascinatingly,
I stayed to listen.
What was so fascinating?
He was talking about the AFL-CIA
and the American labor unions.
He described how, after World War II,
men from the American labor union...
...the AFL-CIA were sent to Europe
to crush progressive unionism.
How'd they do that?
With sacks of money and the
anti-Communist tactics of Joe McCarthy.
America's largest union,
terribly right wing and facha.
You have not heard of it?
It's amazing the things Americans
don't know about their country.
There's no such thing as the AFL-CIA.
It's the AFL-CIO.
Actually, it's the A.F. Of L.C.I.O.
It was formed when the AFL merged
with the more militant CIO.
How do you know so much about it?
Chicago is the capital of 20th century
American trade-unionism.
The American labor leaders
who came to Europe, Jay Lovestone and...