
I'm the one who's supposed to go berserk.
- You could've helped me out.
- I can't get into political arguments.

- You did fine.
- Yeah.

I made a complete fool of myself.
It's one of the first rules of sales:

''Never get involved in matters of public
controversy.'' But I couldn't not reply.

No. Don't get into a funk about it.
Who was really listening?

- Four or five good timers at some party.
- Twenty people, at least.

So you made a fool of yourself
in front of 20 or 30 people. So what?

No, I really like it here.
I'm really comfortable.

We talked about you staying three days.
It's been much longer.

I thought with the fleet delayed
you'd want another place to stay.

This is nice.
The thing is,
I'm trying to get Montserrat to move in.

That's great. I really like Montserrat.
- Won't you think of staying at Marta's?
- No.

Since being here, I've begun to realize
how important family is.

You and I are family.
I want to be with family now.

I want to be with Montserrat.
I'm really surprised at you
shacking up with her.

I would have thought
that was against your morals.

You really want me out of here, don't you?
I still need to pick up my music
from his apartment.

- What music?
- My radio cassette and tapes of music.

The situation is still raw.
You really need those things urgently?

I really need them urgently.
It seems unwise to go back so soon
after you broke apart.
