Beverly Hills Cop III

I checked with Washington,
Fulbright's kosher.

He's working
on something classified.

If they want these guys loose
we should close the investigation.

Fuck them. I want the man
that killed Todd. What you got?

Not a hell of a lot.
The dead mechanics were executed.

Only one was strapped,
he was still holstered.

The bodies of the shooters
had 30,000 cash.

- High-price heat.
- San Diego drivers' licenses.

San Diego PD's sheet says enforcers
for hire for Tijuana drug dealers.

It's about drugs?
An attaché case had a towel from
the Wonder World Hotel, California.

Wonder World? Did you check out
that car they shot Todd from?

Rental from the airport.
The renter's a Dr Oliver Hirsch.

- A stolen ID?
- Yeah.

Doctor said it was lifted
while in an amusement park.

- I hope the park was Wonder World.
- Yeah.

- Excuse me.
- Wonder World.

I understand
that you were with him at the end.

Yeah. His last words were about you.
That does not sound
like my Douglas, Axel. Try again.
