Beverly Hills Cop III

- Congratulations.
- Thanks, Mike.

You're not gonna do nothing.
You never do nothing.

Thank you very much.
You know, a lot of nice things happen

when you work at a nice place
like Wonder World,

especially when your bosses
are people like Orrin Sanderson

and Uncle Dave Thornton. I don't
think that Uncle Dave would mind

if I said that this is
the nicest thing yet.

Thank you very much.
Please don't do this, Axel.
Please don't do it. Don't do it.

- Bravo! Bravo!
- Don't do it.

Bravo, Ellis DeWald! Ellis DeWald!
Ellis DeWald, ladies and gentlemen!
Ellis DeWald! Y'all keep it going!
Keep it going for Ellis DeWald!
Come on, it's Ellis!

You're not clapping loud enough!
This is Ellis DeWald!

Ladies and gentlemen,
I've travelled from Detroit

to be with this man tonight,
to honour this man tonight.

My name is Axel Foley.
I'm a Detroit police officer.

It is a tremendous surprise
for Mr. DeWald to have me next to him.

I can feel his body tingling!
But, ladies and gentlemen,
there's not a night that goes by

that I don't think about
what I owe Ellis DeWald.

And there's not a night that passes
that I don't think about

what the people of Detroit
owe Ellis DeWald.

And I'd like to say,
when I see y'all give him this...

What's this? That's beautiful...
