Follow me.
I wouldn't mind giving her a massage.
When DeWald took over
he stuck me down here
on what he calls park safety watch.
He thinks he took me
out of the loop,
but as long as I have a computer
I can still access
most of what's in the mainframe.
- Is this the tunnel system?
- Yes.
Do any of these tunnels lead to
somewhere only DeWald's boys can go?
No. All park accesses are
unrestricted to park personnel.
Except for the Happy Forest.
That's being redone.
Show me the Happy Forest.
That would be right here
at the end of corridor B.
It's right after...
It's right after...
- How long's it been closed?
- Too long.
I'm talking about
the Happy Forest ride?
The Forest.
Yes, about a couple of weeks.
It wasn't very popular
so they're trying some new ideas.
I think they found one.
Can I have this?
- Sure.
- Thanks.
There you go.
You know...
when this thing is over...
Would you like to get together
and have some dinner or something?
- That would be nice.
- Can you put that in here?
Sure. There you go.
- We have a date.
- A date.
All right.
Can you help me with this?
There you go.
Remember, an elephant never forgets.
All right.