Take a deep breath.
You'll feel better.
A deep breath of fresh air,
that's what you need.
- There.
- You're very pretty.
There we are.
Are you going to Istanbul?
Yes. Then we're flying
on to Bombay.
How far are you going?
Much further.
But why on earth go to India?
I think we needed a break
from the rat race...
and India's got so much
to teach the West.
Really? What, for example?
Well, you know, inner serenity,
that kind of stuff.
The Karma-Nirvana syndrome.
Lot of poppycock, I'm afraid.
No, India's all flies,
smells, and beggars...
and as for serenity, it's
the noisiest place on earth.
If you say so, I'm sure.
Now, I'm sure Mr. Singh
is just being modest...
about his own part
of the world.
I can't wait to get there.
It's my anniversary treat.
We've been married
for seven years.
So it's a form
of marital therapy.
It's quite unnecessary,
dear lady.
With a wife as beautiful
as yourself...
any man would be proof
against the seven-year itch.
You tired, sweetheart?
Absolutely whacked.
Must be all this sea air.
How about a nightcap?
How about bed?
Come on, just one.
No, honestly not. You go.
Just take me to my cabin.
I'm out on my feet.
If you're sure.
I'm certain.
Anyway, it's bad
for an old married couple...
to be glued together
all the time.