and then abandon it...
wet and glistening...
like a little duck dabbling
in a pool of pink flesh.
Nigel, come on.
Don't look so shocked.
Steady on, old boy.
I'm only going
into such detail...
to show you how completely
enslaved I was...
body and soul...
by this creature
whose dangerous charms...
have made such an impression
on you.
- Why do you keep saying that?
- You mean I'm mistaken?
All right.
Let it go.
Leave me with my memories.
If it in some way helps you get
it off your chest or something...
What a compassionate fellow
you are, Nigel.
Actually, to tell the truth,
I should be going.
My wife will think
I've fallen overboard.
You'd have made
a very good analyst.
Not many men would have listened
to so much for so long.
Well, anyway,
thanks for the drink.
I can't understand why he'd
think you'd be interested...
in all these sordid details.
I haven't a clue.