Bitter Moon

We shut ourselves up with
our toys for weeks on end...

never going out...
seeing no one but each other.
I guess it was asking
too much of any couple.

Just a minute.
Did you really have
all those women?

What women?
The ones you write about.
Does it matter?
It's a book, for Christ's sake.
I know. I'm just curious.
Do you like it?
That's what matters.

It's very sexy.
Forget about sex
for two seconds.

What do you think of the quality
of the writing?

I can't judge.
My English isn't good enough.

"My English isn't good enough."
Why read the fucking book
at all?

Because I love you.
Because I love everything
to do with you.

It's a pity
you're not in publishing.

I'd be at the top
of the best-seller list by now.

When will it be published?
You tell me.
I'm working on it.
We were getting to be
like two goldfish in a bowl.

"Come on," I told her,
"We need a change of scene.

"Let's each round up
a few friends and hit the town."
