l don't know if l can take
another goddamn game.
Coach. relax. will you?
lt's the end of a long season.
You know how it works.
You'll feel better about it
in the morning.
There's no goddamn way l'm gonna
feel better about it in the morning.
You know l'm gonna feel worse.
l'm just gonna get angrier and angrier.
Take all day.
You'll feel better by tomorrow night.
You know. if we keep losing.
you're gonna be out of a job.
God. tell me something l don't know.
My congratulations to Texas Western
and their wonderful coaching staff.
They played a terrific game.
That's about all l have to say on that.
Any questions. stupid or otherwise?
- All right. Allan?
- Yeah. coach.
We'd like to hear your side
of the basketball-kicking incident.
The basketball-kicking incident.
All right. next question.
Allan. you used up your question.
That was stupid.
Do you think it's fair to say
that your inability to get
the program back on track
is strictly related to recruiting problems
that started four years ago
after the alleged
point-shaving incident?
How long you gonna
keep this bullshit up. Ed?
You know goddamn well
there was no such incident.
There was an alleged incident
which you invented.
in the same way that if l assert
that you sleep with sheep.
then it is alleged
that you sleep with sheep!
- That's out of line. coach.
- What do you mean?
lf you can't take the heat.
get out of my face.
Goddamn it. you know nothing
like that happened here.
Listen. l didn't say that it happened.
l merely asked you if you thought
that the allegations hurt recruiting.
l didn't say it happened.
lf this is the level of questions
l'm gonna get here tonight.
this press conference is over.
He's a beauty. huh?
Did you see the game?