Hey. Pete. step inside.
We're in trouble.
- l think we're in trouble.
- Yeah.
How's Tony?
Tony's fine. Tony's fine.
- ls he going to class?
- Yeah. he's going to class.
He's trying. lt's a struggle. though.
l love him. but if he flunks.
he deserves it.
Oh. l'm not gonna let him flunk.
You're here because
of Butch McRae. aren't you?
Yeah. Yeah.
- He's something. huh?
- Yeah. he's the best we've had.
And he's smart too.
He's got his head screwed on straight.
Doesn't make any mistakes.
- His father's not around. right?
- No.
l hear his mother is a piece of work.
ls a powerful piece of work.
l hear she wants money.
She wants money just to talk.
She only charges the schools
she doesn't like.
Well. did she like us?
She likes your science department
a whole lot better
than she likes
your basketball program.
l don't blame her.
They have a better record lately.
l can get her to waive the grand.
but if you try to bullshit Lavada McRae.
she will eat you alive.
- Coach Bell.
- Mrs. McRae.
Lavada McRae.
You have any trouble finding us?
No. No problem whatsoever.
- Come on in.
- All right.
- This is my son. Butch.
- Good to meet you. Butch.
- Thanks a lot. A pleasure to meet you.
- Wonderful game.
This is my mother. Miss Dorothy.
Oh. how do you do?
lt's good to meet you.
- My daughter Qiana.
- Hello. Qiana. how are you?
My baby. Britney. This is Alicia.
- All right. Britney.
- That's Alicia.
Alicia. good to meet you.
Britney. it's good to meet you.
lt's nice to meet you too.
Mrs. McRae. your children
are well-mannered.
That's good Catholic upbringing.