- Will you call him for me?
- When?
- Whenever you got time.
- Let's go.
- Hi.
- Welcome to French Lick. Mr. Bell.
Thank you. thank you very much.
How are you. Mr. Roe?
- Fine.
- Fine. You can call me Pete.
l'd just as soon keep it businesslike.
if you don't mind.
- My wife. Lucille.
- Hello. Lucille. how are you?
- My son. Ricky.
- Yes. hi. Ricky.
- What's up. coach?
- Come on in.
Dear Lord. we thank you
for the blessings you've given to us.
We thank you for this food.
please bless it to the nourishment
of our bodies
and our bodies to thy service.
These things we ask in Christ's name.
- amen.
- Amen.
Well. this looks wonderful.
Oh. meat loaf. great.
So. what direction do you see your
college studies taking you. Ricky?
Actually. l haven't given it
much thought.
Well. there's no reason you have
to decide now. you have plenty of time.
He'd like to take over
the farm someday.
- l would?
- Yes. you would.
The truth is. l haven't even decided
if l wanna go to college at all.
Well. what are you interested in?
You really wanna know what
l'm interested in. coach?
lt's girls and just playing basketball.
you know.
- Girls and hoops.
- Those are good interests.
- Yeah. yeah. yeah.
- You know?
But. you know. Ricky.
let me tell you something.
You know. you got an opportunity
to use your basketball skills
to get into school.
and you gotta take that opportunity.
l mean. now. don't get me wrong.
we got a lot of girls at Western.
- Hell. we got a million of them.
- They'd like what l can do out there.
l think l could go out
to California and just.
you know. show them
what l got out there.
Yeah. well. take this opportunity.
get your education.
you know. even if you don't
come to Western.
You know. the girls are gonna wait.
They'll be there.
- Boy can shoot.
- Yes. he can.
But does he wanna go to college?
Oh. yeah.
And l still have
some influence over that.
You know. it's a very funny thing.