Welcome home. coach.
- Slick. What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you. Pete.
- Me?
- Yeah.
l got a hot one for you. baby.
come here.
And you're telling me nobody's
ever heard of this guy?
Well. l've been
watching him for a while.
Hell. the kid never even played ball
in high school. He went to Army.
played in Europe.
He grew eight inches in two years.
He got too big for Army regulation.
And he played a little JC ball
in New Mexico.
But when he finally stopped growing.
he got all his coordination back.
He showed up at a gym recently
with some pros. kicked butt bigtime.
Why are you bringing him to me?
Even though this kid is still a project
with a lot of rough edges.
l know your program's
so screwed up right now.
my boy will move
in the starting lineup.
You wanna take a plane ride
to meet him?
- Plane ride?
- Yeah. see if l'm right?
- Where is he at?
- Algiers.
- For chrissake!
- Oh. come on.
This guy better pan out.
or l tell you.
you're never gonna come to any more
games at Western. goddamn it.