Come on. make him work.
All right. there's Calbert Cheaney.
- Right.
- All right?
Okay. so we don't even want him
to get the ball. right?
- Deny him the ball.
- So let's shut him down.
and we gotta double-team
Cheaney. right?
- So we'll cut Reynolds loose?
- Yeah. let's cut Reynolds loose.
and then Graham out here.
he's gonna take shots.
so we gotta shut him down.
You gotta get up on him.
All right. Yeah?
- Hi. coach.
- Hey. how you doing?
- Can l talk to you a minute?
- Yeah. come on in. Bring a chair over.
- What's up?
- How you doing. Rick?
- How are you guys doing?
- Played good out there.
Oh. thanks.
That was a good workout.
These girls out here. l look at them.
l gotta shake my head.
l mean. l'm blown away.
l mean. these girls are amazing.
l just shudder at it. but...
lt's great. and l think l'd like
to come to college.
- All right. Good. Rick.
- Hey. that's great. Good.
So l guess that leaves
a little bit of business
we have to discuss. though. l think.
l figure a white. blue-chip athlete
like myself deserves something extra.
So. you know.
this is what l'm looking for.
is about 30 grand.
l'd like to have it in cash.
and. you know. just toss it
in one of those gym bags you got.
You know. l've seen a lot of things now.
l've been around a lot.
You know. they've offered me
this much money already.
lf you guys can match my offer.
l'm yours. coach.
Get the hell out of here. Ricky.
Goddamn it. get the hell
out of here. Ricky. Get out of here!
Get back in that gym. get your stuff.
get the hell out of here
and go on home.
Take off that damn uniform!
You don't deserve to wear it.
Get out of here!