- May l speak?
- lt's not your place to speak.
Well. l'm making it my place
to speak.
l just wanna point out to this class
that this course is culturally biased.
Culturally biased?
What do you mean by that?
How come we ain't talking about
African folk tales or something?
Well. this is a course
in English literature.
How come we're not
talking about African literature?
Well. because we're not.
l suppose you did read the course
description before you took this course.
l gotta take this up with my coach.
You told me to take this.
- That's certainly your privilege.
- Got me listening to this crap.
- l'm gonna keep my eye on you.
- All right. man.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
Now. let us continue.
That's Butch's mom
in front of their new house in Chicago.
The house is in her name with
a co-signer. who we can't locate.
The bank officer
who approved the loan
is an alumnus of Western U.
- Friends of the program.
- You got it.
Way to go. Butch. Way to go.
Just go for the front of the rim. now.
All right. let's do
some crossover. Butch.
Nice form. Butch.
That's Ricky's dad
in front of his new tractor.
Now. we can't prove anything
except Mr. Roe had bad credit.
Too bad to be purchasing
new equipment.
Now. the biggest distributor of
farm machinery in the state of lndiana
was Happy Kuykendall's classmate.
All right. Ricky. use the reverse.
That's it. get square.
Thataway. Ricky.
That's the Lexus
they tried to give Neon.
He didn't ask for it.
They tried to give it to him anyway.
Stay low. don't come up.
Extend that ball.
Protect it with your body.
Now use your left.
Point the lead foot. unlock the left hip.
All right. now take it in strong.
These violations are flagrant.
but the paper trail is well covered up.