Body Snatchers

...than to leave it where it is.
If these chemicals are safely stored,
you have nothing to worry about.

I have nothing to worry about?
Explain that.
Come in here, Captain.
Yes, sir.
Escort Dr. Malone around the base.
Show him what he needs to see.

Let him take samples and run tests.
Then do whatever you have to
to expedite his departure.

Mr. Malone?
Good afternoon, sir.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah.

Can you give us some space?
I want to talk to him.

I'm Major Collins,
head of the base medical corps.

Hold on.
I wanted to meet you...
...and extend my cooperation
to you personally.

Thank you.
I'm very interested in the effects exposure
to these chemicals can have on people.

You got a lot of chemicals on this base.
They're all pretty toxic.

Effects? Physically,
they could be devastating.

Not physically. I'm referring
to psychological effects.

I'm not following you.
Can they affect brain patterns?
Can they interfere with
chemo-neurological processes?
