Bullets Over Broadway

Don't give me that!
I never heard of black pearls.

Just 'cause you never heard of somethin'
don't mean it don't exist.

What do you think I am? Some kind
of chump? They're black, for God's sake.

- They probably came
from defective oysters.
- The pearls ain't sick.

Black pearls, they're supposed--
What? They're supposed to be black!

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Don't be that way.
You know I'm nuts about you.

If you're nuts about me, Nickie,
why don't you get me out
of this lousy chorus line?

I came to New York to be an actress.
That's where my gifts are.

You will, baby. You'll be a great
actress. A promise is a promise.

- Yeah, l--
- Come on. Get yourself dressed.
I'm takin' you to Harlem.

- The Cotton Club?
- Yeah, baby. [ Chuckles ]

[ David ] I'm telling you,
they read my play, they love it.
But they're afraid of it.

- [ Man ] It's irrelevant.
- It's not irrelevant!

The point
I'm making is that...

no truly great artist has ever
been appreciated in his lifetime.

- Not one?
- No, no.

- Flender.
- Take, uh, uh... Van Gogh
or Edgar Allen Poe.

Poe died poor and freezing
with his cat curled on his feet.

David, don't give up on it.
Maybe it'll be produced posthumously.

You know, l-l-l have never
had a play produced-- That's right.

- And I've written one play every
year for the past 20 years.
- That's because you're a genius.

The proof is that both common
people and intellectuals find
your work completely incoherent.

- It means you're a genius.
- We all have our moments of doubt.

I paint a canvas every week, take one
look at it and slash it with a razor.

- Well, in your case that's a good idea.
- I have faith in your plays.

- She has faith in my plays
because she loves me.
- Also because you're a genius.

Ten years ago, l-l-l kidnapped
this woman from a very beautiful...

middle-class life in Pittsburgh, and
I made her life miserable ever since.

Hey, Ellen, as long
as he's a good man, keep him.

You know, I think the mistake
we women make is we fall
in love with the artist--

- Hey, you guys, are you listening?
- Yes, yes.

- We fall in love with
the artist, not the man.
- I don't think that's a mistake.
