Bullets Over Broadway

- I'm glad you think so.
- Think we can get her?

- I sent the script
to her agent, Sidney Loomis.
- You did?

- Did I do wrong? Did I do wrong?
- No, no.

- Did I do wrong not checking
with you first?
- Not at all.

- If so, I stand corrected. I mean that.
- No, really.

- Helen Sinclair... really.
- Get it out.

- She's great.
- Well, all we can do
is hope for the best.

You must be joking!
You want me to play some frumpy
housewife who gets dumped for a flapper?

Don't you remember who I am?
Don't you know who you represent?

- I'm Helen Sinclair!
- Definitely! You are
definitely Helen Sinclair.

I look at you and I say Helen Sinclair!
But who better to play that role?

- Under whose direction? Some novice!
- He's the author.

- Of two flops.
- Julian says it was the directors
that messed up those projects.

Julian Marx! I do plays put on
by Belasco or Sam Harris.

Not some Yiddish pants salesman
turned producer.

My ex-husband used to say,
"lf you're gonna go down,
go down with the best of them."

- Which ex-husband?
- Oh, I don't know which ex-husband.
The one with the moustache.

Listen to me. Authors are very often
the best directors of their own works.

She's dowdy! Sid, the ingenue
has all the hot lines.

Even the female psychiatrist
is a better role.

But the role of Sylvia Poston
is the lead.

Sylvia Poston.
Even the name reeks of Orbach's!

I do Electra!
I do Lady Macbeth!

I do plays by Noel and Phil Barry
or at least Max Anderson.

Helen, listen to me. This is
a major part in a serious play.

And let's face it, Helen. You have
not been in a hit in a long time.

- In a long, long, long time.
- I'm still a star!

I never play
frumps or virgins.

You're a star because you're great,
and you are a great star.

- But let me tell you somethin'.
- [ Bell Rings ]

In the last couple of years...
you're better known as an adulteress and
a drunk-- I say this in all due respect.
