Bullets Over Broadway

- I'd do anything to be in a movie.
- You're pretty enough.

Do you think you could
ever speak to Mr. Valenti?

- Mr. Valenti knows everybody.
He'll do the right thing.
- That's right.

I hear he's gonna make Olive Neal
a Broadway star. [ Screams ]

[ Gunshots ]
Go, go, go!
Where'd it happen?
Who'd they get?
Oh, Jesus!

All right, I'm gonna be
at Olive's for about an hour.

You get some more guys downstairs
and call me back on the Masucci thing.

-This is for Leo Kustabeck, you hear me?
-[ Olive ] Hey!

- You said this was the lead.
It's a smaller part.
- All right.

- I got no time now.
- It's a smaller part.
I don't believe it.

- They just got Vinny and Sal
outside a movie house.
- I counted the lines.

- Sylvia Poston is the lead.
I'm just backing her up.
- You hear what I said?

- I'm tired of backing people up.
I wanna be the lead.
- Julian says you're a doctor.

- A doctor. I don't wanna be
a doctor. I wanna be the lead.
- A head doctor. It's a big part.

A head doctor,
but it ain't the lead.

- So don't try and snow me.
- You'd squawk if they
hung you with a new rope.

- I know a lead when I see a lead,
and this ain't the lead.
- [ Phone Ringing ]

- A lead is on every single page.
A lead has lots of scenes.
- Hello? Oh, Vito.

- Ya heard? Get everybody
together at the garage.
- I don't get to kiss nobody.

- No, I want it done today!
What is it with you?
- Hey!

- You wanna take your business
outta here? We got guests!
- Call me back.

- I got trouble here.
- I don't care about your trouble.

- What am I supposed to do?
Just foot the bills around here?
- I don't care.

- And I want my say with
this Broadway big shot too.
- Okay, just don't embarrass me.

- I'm lookin' out
for your interests, okay?
- [ Woman ] Miss Olive?

- There's a Mr. Marx and--
- I know, I know. Send 'em in, Venus.

- Listen. When they get here...
- What?

- charm 'em a little, baby.
- You're the one that
needs charm lessons.

- I told them you're a great actress.
- I am a great actress.

Nick Valenti!
Say hello to David Shayne.
