No, not Warner, kid. No.
I had him in Nuns Aplenty.
He'll turn over a new leaf. Then he'll
get insecure; he'll start eating.
By the time we get to Boston, he'll be
as big as my sister-in-law's ass.
No! No more compromises!
It is my play, and I want him!
I want him, and I want him,
and that's it. I'm not a whore!
- David, David, David!
- [ Sighs ] I'm all right.
[ Nick ] Olive starts rehearsal
for a show next week.
- I want you to stay with her.
- [ Cheech ] Yeah.
I want you to make sure
they treat her right up there.
Those theater characters
I don't trust 'em.
The show's costing me a bundle,
and I'm gonna get my money's worth.
- She wants to be a star.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- And I promised her.
- Mr. V., look, it's not
that I don't wanna do it--
Cheech, I'm giving you
an order. What do you do?
I know.
[ David ]
Monday, September 10.
Today rehearsals began,
and I've decided to keep a journal.
Perhaps my experience
will be of value to others...
just as I pore over with relish
the notes of my idols:
Chekov and Strindberg.
Rehearsals began promptly
at 10:00 a.m.
Warner Purcell was first to arrive
full of bonhomie and good humor.
- Good morning!
- Warner Purcell.
Hello, I'm David Shayne.
- Oh, David, how marvelous
to meet you. Well done.
- Thank you.
- It's a wonderful play.
Some lovely speeches.
- I'm honored you're doing it.
- It's my pleasure.
- Our stage manager, Mitch.
- Mitchell Sabine.
I'm here if you need anything.
- Mitchell, nice to meet you.
- That's fine.
- And you're gonna be
in dressing room two.
- Lovely.
- And this is my assistant, Lorna.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Lorna, nice to meet you.
We have coffee and Danish,
some smoked salmon.
Um, Mitchell, would it be
frightfully tiresome if I just
had hot water and lemon?
- Not at all.
- Thank you.
- And of course you know Julian Marx.
- Oh, Julian, yes.
- Our swords have crossed.
- Warner, you look wonderful.
- And yourself.
- [ Woman Giggling ]
[ David ] Eden Brent, who plays
the other woman, arrived second.
She has
a wonderful vivacity.