- [ Warner ] ls it-- Could l?
- [ David ] Please.
It's a golf term, when you yell, "fore"
when you're coming forward.
- [ Helen ] I didn't realize that.
- So you're telling me
she's talking about golf?
- Continue!
- What?
[ Helen ]
Oh, yes, okay. Doctor...
am I unattractive,
worn out?
Spent? Broken?
Desiccated? Old?
[ Olive ] Come, come, Mrs. Poston.
You're being mas--
- Mas--
- [ David ] Masochistic.
- Masochistic?
- Yes, masochism is someone
who enjoys pain.
- [ Warner ] As opposed to sadism.
- Enjoys pain?
What is she,
- I don't fuckin' believe this!
- Continue.
[ David ] After the rehearsal,
I felt exhilarated.
Helen Sinclair suggested
we go for a drink to unwind.
She said she knew
of a little out-of-the-way
speakeasy where we could talk.
- It was wonderful to see old, uh--
- Wasn't it?
- Warner. Yes.
- Warner, yeah. He looks so slim.
- He's on a new diet.
- Who is she? Oh, I need a drink.
Olive. [ Chuckles ]
Yes. I'm sorry about Olive.
I do apologize.
We needed her to raise the money.
It must be difficult
getting a work like this on.
It's a sad reality
of the marketplace, I'll tell ya.
- We've never really
had a chance to talk.
- No.
- Hi, folks. What can I get you?
- Two martinis, please, very dry.
- How'd you know what I drank?
- Oh, you want one too?
- Three.
- Three martinis.
Uh, I can't judge my own writing,
but I must say...
that just from today's reading,
I can tell how brilliant
you're going to be in this role.
- It's a wonderful play.
- Thank you.
No, no, I mean it. It's so rare
that anything is really about something.
You know-- Well, there's Max Anderson
and Gene O'Neill.
- That's about it.
- You just named my two living gods.
I was a little reluctant at first
to play the part.
The character is so--
She's so, um... uh, colorless.
Colorless, yes.
Well, that's the idea--
- Then I realized what
you were going for.
- You did?
How profound, how complex,
her inner life really is.
I tried to give her
some contradictions.