Bullets Over Broadway

Hey, I've been meaning
to ask ya...

is it my imagination
or are you always... Iookin' my way?

- You're a very observant girl.
Yes, I have been looking at you.
- Thank you.

Yeah, well, I notice somethin'.
I notice you have...

a really
big appetite.

- Yes, I do have a big appetite.
- Yeah, I noticed that, but--

- Where's your baby-sitter?
- What, Cheech?

- Yes.
- Ah, you don't have to worry
about Cheech. He took off.

- Did he?
- A minute there's a chance,
he runs off to play craps.

- Takes about two hours.
- Well, listen, now that
you've been let off the leash...

- Yeah?
- why don't we go in...

- and get to know each other
a bit better?
- Okay.

That might be pleasant.
[ Giggles ]

- [ Giggles ]
- Well.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You're a very attr--
Wait just a minute.
- What? What? What?

- Before we start--
- Yeah?

- What? Oh.
- Just a--

A little poultry.
[ Giggles ]

- All right. Let's go.
- All right.

You do have a big appetite.
[ Giggles ]

- Pull yourself together.
So he came up with a good idea.
- [ Sighs ]

- Helen, not you too?
- If you did follow his suggestion...

you'd be able to put in that new scene
in Act Ill that you've always wanted to.

- Yes, but it'd--
- And that, that casts
a whole new light...

on my relationship
with my husband. Yes!

So you're saying
you want me to change it?

At the risk of seeing you
upset on your birthday.

- How did you know it was my birthday?
- Happy birthday.

- Helen! Ohh.
- Open it.

Oh, gosh.
Really. It's--

Don't get too excited.
I didn't buy it.

Cole Porter gave it to me.
It's one of many.

- Now I'm gonna have to take up smoking.
- Hmm.

Have a good time tonight
with your girlfriend.
I'm sure she's taking you out.
