You think about that.
And you, don't interrupt me no more.
I'm sorry.
So how come you had so much
to say to that Valenti goon?
No, nothing. I was just
thanking him for his ideas.
- What ideas? He only had
the one suggestion, didn't he?
- Yeah.
- That was just it.
- So do you like your wallet?
- What?
- The wallet.
- Oh, yes, yes, it's terrific.
- Are you sure?
Oh, it's very exciting. I love
leatherette. Always have loved it.
Boy, are you loaded.
- Yeah.
- Happy birthday.
[ David ] September 24. I gave the cast
the rewrites. Everyone seemed pleased.
- [ Helen ] These are brilliant! Oh!
- [ Warner ] They are.
Now Sylvia's
not so passive.
She uses her wiles to trap
the Lieutenant, and that's
what causes her guilt!
[ Warner ] The whole thing is motivated.
It drives on. Wonderful.
- [ Olive ] You mean I gotta
memorize all new lines?
- [ Helen ] They're wonderful!
- How did you come up
with such divine changes?
- They're not really mine--
- Oh, no? Whose are they, God's?
- [ Laughing ]
- Well, they are mine
in the sense that they're mine--
- Your modesty becomes you.
But let's face it;
you are a major talent.
A major new voice
in the theater.
The word genius gets thrown around
so frequently in this business...
- but, darling, if the shoe fits--
- Congratulations.
- It finally has balls.
- Now, if we can do something
about Act Ill...
we got a big, fat hit
on our hands.
- [ Warner ] Three cheers
for the writer! Hip-hip--
- [ Cast ] Hooray!
[ David ] I stayed up all night
working on the third act.
I admit it came rather hard...
and before I handed in the pages,
I sent them over to Cheech to read.
He suggested I come down
to his office.
- You missed the idea.
- I did?
Yeah, you did.
Plus, nobody talks like that.
- You got that problem.
You don't write like people talk.
- I take poetic license.
Poetic license, bullshit.
People believe what they see
when the actors sound real.