- Come here. Let me show you.
- What are you doing?
- What does it look like I'm doin'?
- You're gonna write it?
What am l? A fuckin' idiot?
They taught me how to write in
school before I burned it down.
- You burned down your school?
- Yeah, it was Lincoln's birthday.
There was nobody there.
- If you actually write--
- Look, I know how people talk,
all right?
Go shoot a rack,
and let me do this.
But if you actually write it,
then I'm not--
- Don't worry about it.
I ain't gonna tell anybody.
- No?
No. I saw you playin' the big shot.
I know what it's all about.
Where I come from,
nobody squeals.
Go shoot a rack.
Stop starin' at me.
[ Helen ] What dialogue!
This is better than O'Neill!
Max Anderson
will never touch you!
So you liked it.
It's so full of passion!
It's so full of life!
- I hoped it would lift the story.
- What a difference between this
and your first draft.
You hadn't found yourself yet. The idea
was there, but it hadn't crystallized.
You needed to hear it
on its feet, and now this.
It's no longer tepid
and cerebral.
It's full of life!
It's full of passion!
It reeks with humid sexuality!
It's carnivorous at last!
- You thought my first draft
was cerebral and tepid?
- Only the plot and dialogue.
- But this--
- Was-Was-Was there nothing
in the original draft...
that you feel
is worth saving?
The stage directions were lucid.
Best I've ever seen.
- And the color of the binder.
Good choice.
- Thank you.
I always had a flare
for stage directions.
I went back and reread your
earlier plays. They suffered
from the same problem.
- [ Sighs ]
- Good ideas, but
too contrived, no real guts.
It's like you
finally happened.
- Helen, I have a confession to make.
- Yes?
[ Inhales Deeply ]
- I--
- Don't speak!
No, no, don't speak.
I know you wanna deprecate yourself.
I know you do, but you're
going to take this town by storm.