[ Bottle Shattering ]
So, Skunk, what do you think?
We got enough ocean behind us?
Yeah, yeah.
No trouble for us tonight.
- I think I'll turn in. Keep it steady,
whatever works for you.
- Okeydokey.
[ Hacking, Grunting ]
[ Groaning ]
- [ Hacking, Grunting Continue ]
- [ Bottles Breaking ]
[ Mumbling ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Giggling ]
[ Growling ]
[ Sighing ]
[ Captain Snoring ]
- Hi. How ya doin'?
- Very well. Thank you.
[ Both Screaming ]
- [Whimpers ]
- Don't this beat all, boys?
We got us a half-crazed
Now, see here. I don't know
what kind of nonsense you're...
[ Gasps ] trying to pull here,
but it's painfully obvious--
[ Laughing ]
Oh, I see.
This is all part of
the theme, right? Sure.
And you're just stage actors
pretending to be filthy drunkards.
[ Laughing ]
Bravo. Bravo, everyone.
Long live the theater.
- Am I missing something here?
- Holy shit in a handbasket.
This moron got on the wrong boat.
Now, wait a second.
Are you-- What--
Are you meaning to imply this
is not the Queen Catherine?
You're not its well-trained crew
here to cater to my every whim?