[ Nathanial ]
I'm back, fellas.
Hooo-oooh. Hi.
Thank you.
[ Groaning ]
Oh, greeting, fellow fishermen.
I never thought I'd be
so happy to see you again--
and this stinking garbage scow.
Oh! Oh! Big Teddy, thank you.
A welcome home sandwich.
You sure got
a lot of energy for someone
who's half-dead from exposure.
That's a very, good point.
I would have been dead had it
not been for the sharkman.
- Sharkman?
- [ Giddy Laughter ]
judging from his appearance,
that's the most appropriate name
I could come up with for him.
I hate this kid.
This, uh, thing
you're talkin' about.
- Did it have the body of a shark
and the arms and face of a man?
- That's the chap.
- Holy jumpin' jack fish. Chocki!
- Chocki!
- Who the hell is Chocki?
- Half-man, half-shark.
Legend has it, a Viking ship went down
in Hell's Bucket 500 years ago.
One of the Vikings was spared
a grisly death by a shark
who fell in love with him.
Well, you know how it goes.
One thing led to another and--
The Viking knocked up
the shark?
And they had one offspring::
just when you think you've heard
everything about Hell's Bucket,
along comes another
nauseating legend.
[ Groaning ]
And the bad thing is Chocki's
kind of flighty by nature.
He can be friendly one minute,
and then hate you the next.
Now that he's taken
a shine to the kid here,
he's probably following us,
- and that could be trouble.
- Well, why's he so flighty?
Who the hell knows. We're talkin'
about a half-man, half-shark.
There's gotta be some kind
of a chromosomal damage
with a matchup like that.
Hey! Take a look at this.
Oh, Lord, spare me another one
of these insanities.
Sweet Henry,. She's got more whiskers
than a laid-off circus clown.