[ Grunting ]
You're doing it.
You're actually climbing a cliff.
[ Grunting, Groaning ]
[ Sighing ]
Well, this is it.
Good luck, Nathanial.
Be brave.
I will be, Nathanial.
All right.
Let's go, Nathanial. Okay.
Howdy do?
What th--
Ooh-whee ¶
-¶Ooh, ooh, ooh-whee ¶
- Yeah. Ah--
- [ Clears Throat ]
-Oo-ooh, ooh-whee-ee ¶
Mm, mm, mm ¶
- Excuse me, miss, uh--
-Have mercy ¶
- Who are you?
- I'm, uh, young Nathanial,
uh, cabin boy of The Filthy Whore,
and I, um--
See, Skunk said
that you were gonna--
Do not be embarrassed,
cabin boy.
I know why you are here.
Oh, you do? Great.
Well, that'll save us a lot of time.