Caro diario

You won't
have the casino close.

Why so much resentment?
Because I hate the people
like you, who delude the others.

And when you have gotten
what you want, you throw them in the mud.

Why don't you calm down?
This cathedral of yours
won't see the daylight.

- You're back at last!
- Why?

There's something I want to tell you.
I hope it's good news,
I've already had enough for today.

I am not sure she's reliable,
but I have seen Geena today,

and she has told me that Keat
wants to take revenge on you.

I knew it.
Some time ago
he told me that too.

I cannot think
that for Pietro..

the first few years of his life
won't mean anything.

Because he'll ever know.
He won't remember this period
of intimacy, of proximity,

when he's needing me so much.
Something new happened this week:
he has taken off his own diaper.

We thought, we'll take
two weeks off...

and teach him to pee.
- But he took it off...
- himself.

And didn't do anything wrong.
He has started behaving
like an adult.

And his first day
at the nursery school?

We woke up at night,
we were worried, shaken.

It's typical, of course...
Pietro slept, instead.
He didn't know anything.

How could he imagine
that his life would change...

Is he sleeping?
Pietro is going through an important,
although transitory, phase now.

He has passed from a regime
where he saw only us..

to a regime
where he goes to the kindergarten...
