Caro diario

- No! No!
- Wake up! Wake up!

The light!
Gerardo, wake up!
Daniele is awake
and waiting for us.

In 15 minutes the worse
moment of the day will come.

- But why?
- It'll be three o'clock,

the hour of the wolf.
It's the worse hour,
the hour when you feel lonely.

For twelve years, we've waken up
Daniele at three o'clock

and brought him in bed with us.
Come on in as well.
- May I?
- Please, come in.

- So, Daniele, how's tonight going?
- Well.

- Are you scared?
- No.

Can you see how many of us
are here to keep you company?

Under the cover, come on!
Are you sure
you aren't afraid?

Yes! Yes!
Did you know that Daniele
has never had a baby-sitter?

Hasn't he? Why?
Because we've always
stayed with him.

You've never gone out?
Never. And so
we've read everything.

We've read Von Kleinst...
We've read... Federico Tozzi...
We've read everything
about Xenophon...

- Svevo...
- And then Herodotus.

And then?
All Tacitus!
Then... we have...
Saint Augustine.
Saint Augustine, Delfini,
Meneghello and Capitini.
