Call me old-fashioned,
call me irresistible...
call me late for lunch...
but I think
grabbing the initiative...
overcoming handicaps, and, yes,
even skydiving blind...
are the true virtues, hmm?
I'm sure you have
your own stories.
Raise your hand
if you have your own story.
Come on, put 'em up.
Yeah, a lot of stories...
a Lot of hands...
which is to say...
I have a rare group of friends.
Thank you.
-Guess who!
-I'm not real good at this.
-Come on, guess.
-Let the man go, Judy.
-No fair, Dolby, no fair.
How's it going, Pogue?
Uh, pretty good.
I ran into a friend of ours
this morning.
-Who's that?
-Sarah Novak.
What? Sarah Novak. What?
Come over here.
Listen, Pogue, I've seen
a Lot of innocent people...
killed in my time, and
I'm haunted by them constantly.
But Sarah is dead, Pogue.
You're alive.
Stop torturing yourself with it.
Stop talking to Sarah.
Concentrate on putting that
bastard Cornell in jail, OK?
You nervous about Thursday?
Remember, be yourself
on cross-examination.
Tell it Like you know.
Like I know.
-Right, counselor?
-That's right.