Clean Slate

Come on up, doctor.
Come on up.
Where you going, doctor?
Don't be shy.
Oh, yes. The doctor's
going to lead us...

on a walking tour
of the neolithic exhibits.

Please, everybody.
Don't Let the doctor get away.

He's on a tight schedule.

OK, things have gotten
a bit more complicated.

Now, Sarah gave you
something to hide.

You hid it either
with someone called ''Baby''...

or in a place that has
something to do with babies.

It's a coin
about the size of a penny.

It's worth
seven million dollars.

Maybe ''Baby'' is something
to do with your past...

maybe when you were a cop.
Or maybe not.
Maybe it's something
more recent...

just before your amnesia.

I'II check that out Later.
You were a private eye.
Maybe that's a clue.

''Two-way radio
and survellance glasses.''

Someone's wiling to kill Sarah
to get at the coin.

She needs your protection.
She needs your help.
Maybe it's time
to do a little legwork.
