-You two going to fight?
-Shut up, Donald.
Just great to see you
back together.
We're not together.
I was just visiting Shirley.
Yeah? She still mad at me?
N-no. She said to say hi.
I'm trying to shoot here, Pogue.
It sounds Like fighting.
I do hear fighting.
You two should have
never got married.
He Looks just Like his daddy.
-You think?
-Oh, yeah. Spitting image.
What do you think, Maurice?
I always thought he looked more
Like me, but, yeah, I see it.
-Thirty seconds.
-Thirty seconds.
Can you watch him for a second?
Maurice, just take him
for a walk or something.
Sarah gave you
the coin to hide...
and you hid it either
with someone called ''Baby''...
or in a place that has
something to do with babies.
Can I have teddy?
Teddy? Yeah.
Do the happy face.