Mother of God!
Circular error probability zero.
Impact with high order detonation.
Have a nice day.
His name is Cortez, Felix rtez.
A colonel in Cuba's intelligence
service until e ears ago.
Turned up working for the Macheteros
terrorist group in Puerto Rico.
Disappeared again. Yesterday we taped
him talking to a Cali cartel subject.
I'll fax what I've got.
If he shows, pick him up, ok?
- You know I can't do that,
- I mean the police.
The Colombian police don't pick up
members of the cartel.
Unless they've got a death wish.
You've been down here.
Wait a minute.
Oh Jesus...
Jack, something's happened here.
At least 30 people were kill ,
including women and children.
The bomb exploded in a car
belonging to a Rojas associate.
- Jack..?
- Yeah, are you watching this?