You did. American soldiers and
civilians are dead because of it.
- I never ordered any...
- Don't you play that game with me!
Don't you dishonour their memories
by pretending you didn't know!
- How dare you lecture...
- How dare you, sir?!
How dare you come here
and bark at me like a junkyard dog!
I am the President
of the United States!
lt gives me no pleasure
to do it, sir.
As acting Deputy Director
of lntelligence it is my duty -
- to report this matter
to the Senate Oversight Committee.
- You're not going to do that.
- I'm not?
You've got yourself
a chip in the big game now.
You're going to save that for a time
when your own ass is on the line.
And then you're going to pull it out.
And I'm going to cash it in for you.
I don't think I have anything more
to say to you, sir.
The country can't afford another
scandal, Jack. To protect itseIf -
- it won't allow another deception
that goes all the way to the top.
You'll take the blame. Cutter
and Ritter will take some too, -
- but it will only amount to
a slap on the wrist.
Then 20,000 dollars an hour
on the lecture circuit.
The rest of the blame
will fall on Greer.
Oh yeah, you'll take him
down with you.
You'll destroy his reputation.
But that's as far as it will go.
The old Potomac two-step, Jack.