1 9 cartridges were recovered...
...as well as the two weapons
that fired them.
The blood samples taken were
consistent with the crew, Hardin...
...and his wife
and his son and daughter.
...blood on sheets and pill s...
...on both starboard
and portside racks...
They were killed in their staterooms
apparently as they slept.
Dragged topside
and thrown overboard.
The two men in custody surrendered
after a brief attempt to escape.
What do we know about them?
The men in custody?
HaIf a dozen arrests for drug
trafficking in Bogota, Mr President.
Suspected ties to the Cali cartel,
not Medellin...
- You all right, James?
- ...according to DEA.
- Why?
- Nothing exotic, sir.
Straight piracy and murder.
It's not the first time.
It's the first time
it was a friend of mine.
Yes, sir.
- What was that? You all right?
- Yeah.
I haven't slept in 36 hours.
Did I make any sense?
What did you say?
Just kidding. Good job.
- You should give diplomacy lessons.
- To call it as I see it is my job.
- And he's yours.
- Wait for me.
Shut the door.
I promised the American people I'd
do something about the drug problem.
You are.