
- You had to tell him ?
- l had to tell someone.
He put it into perspective.

- What did he say ?
- He said at least he wasn't 36.

And that made you feel better ?
And he said most of them were college
guys l never even seen or met before.

- The ostrich syndrome:
If you don't see it--
- it isn't there. Yes.

- Thank you for being rational.
- Thank you for the lasagna.

- Couldn't get the shutters open ?
- No.

I called the locksmith.
He said the earliest he could
be here is tomorrow morning.

Bummer. Well, l gotta
head back for the 1:30 class.

- What time you get finished ?
- 8:00, but l have
a sorority meeting 'til 9:00.

So, I'll see you when you close then.
Can we go out for coffee ?

- Sure.
- Good.

See you when you close.
Enjoy the lasagna.

[ Door Opens, Closes ]
[ Sucking Sound ]
Vermont ?
No, that can't be.
I just talked to him this morning.

He left at what time ?
He really went to Vermont ? When
the hell was someone going to tell me?

He promised me he'd be here by noon !
Jesus, when does he get back ? Tuesday ?
You've gotta be fucking kidding me !

I've got a hockey game at 2:00, and
the steel shutters are jammed closed.

And he's in Vermont ?
I'm not even supposed to be here today !

[ Sighing ]
So I'm stuck here until closing ?
Oh, this is just great.
I can't fucking believe this.

No. No, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to yell at you.

Yeah, l know.
No, l-I'll be all right.
Well, that's all l can do, right ?

- All right, thanks. Bye.
- Vermont ?

- Can you fucking believe this ?
- He didn't mention that to you
this morning ?

Not a word !
Not a fucking word, that slippery shit.

- So, what ? You're stuck here all day ?
- Fuck !

- Why'd you apologize ?
- What ?

I heard you apologize. Why ? You had
every reason in the world to be mad.
