
While you two were dating.
I drove a black Trans Am.

- You're Rick Daress ?
- Yeah.

- You know him ?
- Yeah.

- Caitlin used to
talk about him all the time.
- Really ?

Wait a second. You used to fuck
Caitlin Bree while l was dating her ?

Nah, man, don't let it bother you.
That was a long time ago.

I'm surprised you didn't
know about it, Dante.

Everybody in school knew about it.
Even in my class.

Jesus Christ ! What next ?
- Here you go.
- What's this ?

- A fine for $500.
- What ?

Five hundred bucks ?
For what ?

For violation of New Jersey Statute,
Section 2A, Number 170/51.

Any person who sells
or makes available tobacco,

or tobacco-related products,
to persons under the age of 18,

is regarded as disorderly.
- What are you talkin' about ?
- An angry mother called
the state division of taxation...

and claimed
that a Quick Stop employee...

sold her four-year-old daughter
a pack of cigarettes at 4:00 today.

The New Jersey Division of Taxation
called the Board of Health...

and sent me down to issue a fine.
You claimed you were working here
all day. Hence, the fine is yours.

The fine is doubled due to
the incredibly young age of the child.

But l didn't sell any cigarettes
to any kids !

You sold cigarettes to a four-year-old ?
What a scumbag !

That's sick, Dante.
I didn't sell cigarettes to any kids !
I swear !

The due date is on the bottom.
This summons cannot be contested
in any court of law.

Failure to remit before the due date...
will result
in a charge of criminal negligence,

and a warrant
will be issued for your arrest.

- Have a nice day.
- But l didn't sell
any cigarettes to any kids.

Hey, wait a minute !
Forget it. l don't wanna deal with a guy
that sells cigarettes to four-year-olds.

Can l, uh, give you
a lift somewhere ?

Sure. How 'bout the beach ?
I like the way you think.
Jesus ! What next ?
- [ Woman ] Dante ?
- What ? Caitlin !

[ Muzak ]
