- Lower your voice.
- What is that-- ""Something like 36"" ?
Does that include me ?
- Uh... 37.
- I'm 37 ?
- I'm going to class.
- Oh, my God.
- 37 ! My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!
- in a row ?
- Where you going ?
- Hey, listen, jerk.
Until today, you never even knew...
how many guys l slept with
because you never even bothered to ask.
Then you act all nonchalant
about fucking 12 girls.
I never had sex with 12 guys !
- No, but you sucked enough dick !
- Yeah, l went down on a few guys.
- A few ?
- One of those guys was you.
The last one, l might add.
Which, if you're too stupid
to comprehend, means that
I've been faithful to you since we met.
All the other guys
I went with before l met you.
If you want to have a complex, go ahead.
But don't look at me like
I'm the town whore, because you
were plenty busy before you met me.
Why did you suck their dick ?
Why couldn't you sleep with them
Like any other decent person ?
Because going down isn't a big deal.
I used to like a guy, we'd make out,
and sooner or later I'd go down on him.
- But l only had sex
with the guys l loved.
- l feel sick.
I love you !
Don't feel sick.
Every time l kiss you,
I'm gonna taste 36 other guys.
- I'm going to school. Maybe later
you'll be a bit more rational.
- I'm 37 ! l just can't--
Good-bye, Dante !
Hey, try not to suck any dick
on the way through the parking lot !
Hey ! Hey, you !
Get back here.
I thought that place was supposed
to be open at 11:00. it's 11:20.
I've already called his house twice.
He'll be here soon.
Hey, it's not like
it's a demanding job over there.
I'd like to get paid
to sit on my ass and watch TV.
I walked in the other day,
that son of a bitch was sleeping.
- I'm sure he wasn't sleeping.
- Are you calling me a liar ?
- Are you calling me a liar ?
- No ! He was probably
just resting his eyes.
What the hell is that,
""resting his eyes"" ?
- Like he's some air traffic controller?
- Actually, that's his night job.
Wise ass too, huh ?
Go ahead. Keep cracking wise.
That's why you're jockeying a register
in some fuckin' convenience store...
instead of working at a steady job.