Would you like
to suck my cock, berserker
That's beautiful, man.
Hold on to the counter
and I'll pull.
Usually l just turn the can upside down.
Maybe we oughta soap your hand up.
They oughta put a warning on these
things, like they do with cigarettes.
- l think it's coming !
- [ Falls On Floor ]
Thanks. l thought l was going
to have to go to the hospital.
I'll throw this out
as a precautionary measure.
[ Chuckling ]
Stings a little.
A little word of advice: Sometimes you
got to let those hard-to-reach chips go.
- [ Door Opens ]
- Thanks.
You know, that article's accurate.
Caitlin really is getting married.
-You know what l just watched ?
-Me pulling a can off some moron's fist?
- Return Of The Jedi.
- Didn't you hear me ?
Caitlin is really getting married.
What did you like better:
Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back ?
- Empire.
- Blasphemy.
Empire had the better ending.
I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off,
finds out Vader's his father.
Han gets frozen, taken away by
Boba Fett. it ends on such a down note.
I mean, that's what life is:
a series of down endings.
All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.
There was something else
going on in Jedi.
I never noticed it 'til today.
- They build another Death Star, right ?
- Yeah.
The first one
was completed and fully operational
before the rebels destroyed it.
Luke blew it up.
Give credit where credit's due.
- The second one was still
being built when they blew it up.
- Compliments of Lando Calrissian.
Something just never sat right with me
that second time around.
I could never put my finger on it,
but something just wasn't right.
- And you figured it out.
- The first Death Star
was manned by the lmperial Army.
The only people on board were Storm
Troopers, dignitaries, lmperialists.
- Basically.
- So when they blew it up, no problem.
Evil's punished.
- And the second time around ?
- it wasn't even done being built yet.
- it was still under construction.
- So ?
A construction job
of that magnitude would require...
a lot more manpower
than the lmperial Army had to offer.