""Done And Ready Home improvements.""
Speaking as a roofer, l can tell you
a roofer's personal politics...
- comes into play heavily
when choosing jobs.
- Like when ?
Three weeks ago, l was offered a job
up in the hills. Beautiful house.
Tons of property.
A simple re-shingling job.
They told me if l could finish it
in one day, l would double my price.
- Then l realized whose house it was.
- [ Dante ] Whose house was it ?
- Dominic Bambino's.
- Baby Face Bambino ? The gangster ?
The same ! The money was right,
but the risk was too high.
I knew who he was, and based on that,
I turned the job over to a friend.
- Based on personal politics.
- Right !
The next week, the Foresie family
put a hit on Baby Face's house.
- My friend was shot and killed.
Didn't even finish re-shingling.
- No way.
I'm alive because l knew the risk
involved in that particular client.
My friend wasn't so lucky.
Any contractor working on that
Death Star knew the risk involved.
If they got killed,
it's their own fault.
A roofer listens to this,
not his wallet.
They say so much, but they never
tell you if it's any good.
Are either one of these any good ?
- Sir ?
- What ?
- Are either one of these any good ?
- l don't watch movies.
[ Sighs ] Well, have you heard anything
about either one of them ?
I find it's best to stay out
of other people's affairs.
You mean you haven't heard anybody
say anything about either one of these ?
[ Sighs ]
- Well, what about these two ?
- They suck.
[ Sighs ]
These are the same two movies.
- You weren't paying any attention.
- No, l wasn't.
I don't think your manager
would appreciate it--