- Wow. He really made it.
- Yeah, but at what a price.
- l can never reach.
- Reach what ?
- You know.
- What, your dick ?
Yeah. Like you said, l guess everybody
gets curious and tries it sometime.
I never tried it.
Fucking pervert.
Suddenly everyone loved
to hear him play his songs
Watch the world go by
Surprising it goes so fast
Johnny looked around him and said
hey, I've made the big time at last
- l knew this was a bad idea
to close the store.
- Listen to you.
I can't help it. At least on the roof,
I could see if anybody wanted to go in.
Nobody's there.
It's 4:00 on a Saturday.
How many people ever come to the store
at 4:00 on a Saturday ?
Let me in !
[ Crashing Sound, Woman Screaming ]
Do you know your place
In the big charade
Are you more than dead
Leaders and followers
Leaders and followers
- [ Door Closes ]
- l can't fucking believe you.
I'm telling you, it wasn't my fault.
- You knocked the casket over,
for Christ's sake !
- l was just leanin' on it.
- it was an accident.
- Like someone knocks a casket over
on purpose !
- So the casket fell over. Big deal.
- Her fucking body fell out !
I put her back in it. it's not like
it matters if she breaks something.
- Just go open the video store.
- [ Jay ] Open the video store !
Shut the fuck up, junkie.