D2: The Mighty Ducks

May i suggest
optional attendance?

- i agree.
- Yeah. Good idea.

- Well, that's not a bad idea.
- Call me Goldberg.

Goldberg. Yes.
School will be optional.

However, should you not attend,
you will not be eligible to play.

Oh, that's unfair.!
Man, can she do that?

Hey, is that a tattoo?
is it real?

- Get away from me.
- Yes, sir.

Well, i'm just here to tutor the kids and
provide them with a little adult supervision.

- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh!

- That was awesome. Are you okay?
- Yes.

All right.!
- Sorry.
- Yeah, sorry.

We're okay.
This is more crowded than
a truckload of goats.

Somebody better
watch their hands.

Yeah, someone licked me!
- Oh, i smell somethin'. Eewh.
- Eewh.

- it wasn't me.
- No, it was me!

Thank you.
i don't know how to make
this any clearer.

You are a team.
And to win this thing,
you have to work as one.

Now as one, skate.
Everyone goes their own way,
everyone falls down.

Now get up and try it again.
- All right, all of you move to your right. Now.
- Who made you boss?

- Everyone to the left.
- Yeah, left guys. Come on.

- Aw, man.
- You guys can argue all you want...

but i am not untying you
until you move as one.

Now you're learning!
Communication! That's it!

Good, together.
Move together.

Charge! All right!
- Right turn!
- Turn right.

Yeah, that's it! That's it!
All right! Knock wood, Charlie.
