
Are you coming to see me?
No. Why?
Nothing. How are you?
How are you, Tom?
You look all beat up.

I do?
You're letting it get to you.
Don't take it personally.

Take what personally?
Maybe it's just a rumor.
What's a rumor?
I don't want to spread rumors.
That's how these things get started.

You mean Austin?
Who said that?
What am I missing?
I can't believe he didn't tell you.
He's so perverse.

Tell me what?
So, how's Susan?
Susan's good.
-How's Lonnie?

-Did you know she got tenure?
-That's great.

Here's my stop.
I tried to explain to Garvin.
You know him, he's like a child.
Fuck your feelings if they interfere
with his surprise.

-What surprise?
-Rumor is you're getting passed over.

So I'm not getting the VP job?
That's the rumor.
Rumors are always true.
Garvin didn't say anything?
Came by the office. I was late,
Susan had a conference.

-You were late? Today?
-Why're you in Seattle?

Good to see you again.
Somebody tells Garvin I was talking
to you. You know how he is about leaks.

Leak? I thought it was a rumor.
It was different before.
I could watch your back.

Who gets the job, Stephanie Kaplan?
Rumor is he went outside the group.
You'd still head up Manufacturing...

00:10:49,345 --> 00:10:50,494

Wait a minute.
I might be out of a job?
Don't get paranoid.
I'm a quick learner.
