Okay, just let it out. Have a good cry.
Okay that's enough.
Lloyd, what are you doing?
It feels like
you're running incredibly fast, Harry.
We're not even through Connecticut
yet and you're annoying me.
We're really doing it, aren't we buddy?
Hey, where d'you get those?
- I bought them when we filled up.
We're supposed to talk about
expenditures. We're on a tight budget.
This didn't come out of the travel fund.
I raised 25 bucks extra before we left.
Were you get 25 extra bucks?
I sold some stuff to Billy in 4-C.
The blind kid?
What did you sell him, Lloyd?
- What kind of stuff?
I don't know... baseball cards...
a bag of marbles...
Pete? You sold my dead bird
to a blind kid?
Pete didn't even have a head.
- Harry, I took care of it.