Pretty bird. Can you say "pretty bird".
Pretty bird. You're a pretty bird.
Pretty bird.
Polly want a cracker?
The red bastards.
They're rubbing it in our faces.
Andr, wilI have a hemorrhage
if we don't get the briefcase back.
They've been following us for weeks.
- Why you say?
Gas man. How did they know I got gas?
They got to be pros.
Don't worry, we'll get that money back.
I'll tell you something else...
they ain't never getting to Aspen.
I'lI see to that.
They got The Monkeys.
A major influence on the Beatles.
Wxcuse me, Flo...
Flo... like the TV show.
What is the soup du jour?
- It's the soup of the day.
That sounds good. I'lI have that.
Feels good to mingle with
these laid-back country folk, don't it?
I like it a lot.
What's the matter?
You spilt the salt. That's the matter.
Spilling the saIt is very bad luck.
Driving across country,
the last thing we need is bad luck.
Toss some salt over your right shoulder.