Come on Joe, let me do both of them.
You wouldn't have to worry about it.
Just shut up. We don't
even know who they are.
You don't kill people you don't know.
That's a rule.
Come up here and lie on the front seat.
When they pick me up, you follow us.
You got that?
Hey, here they come!
Stay down.
Say, are you guys going to Davenport?
My car died and I'm late for lunch.
We usually don't pick up hitchhikers.
But I'll go with my instinct on this one.
Saddle up. Partner!
You're it!
You're it!
You can't do that!
- Can too!
You can't!
Can do; double stamp that!
Can not! Triple stamp it! No racies...
You can't triple stamp a double stamp!
You can't triple stamp a double stamp!
Guys! Wnough!
Hey, want to hear the most
annoying sound in the world?