Sock me sideways.
HeIIo, how are you?
I'II be out in one minute.
Why are you going to the airport?
FIying somewhere?
How did you guess?
- I saw your Iuggage.
And when I saw the airIine ticket,
I put two and two together.
So where right you heading?
- Aspen.
CaIifornia... beautifuI.
My name's Christmas. LIoyd Christmas.
I'm Mary Swanson.
This isn't my reaI job.
- No?
My friend Harry and I want to open
our own pet store.
That's nice.
I Got Worms.
- I beg your pardon?
That's what we want to caII it: ''I Got
Worms.'' SpeciaIizing in worm farms.
You know, Iike ant farms...