What's the matter?
A IittIe tense about the fIight?
Something Iike that.
- There's nothing to worry about, Mary.
StatisticaIIy your more IikeIy to get kiIIed
on the way to the airport...
...Iike in a head-on crash or
fIying off a cIiff...
...or trapped under a gas truck.
That's worst.
I have this cousin, had this cousin...
LIoyd, keep your eyes
on the road pIease?
Good thinking. Can't be too carefuI.
A Iot of bad drivers out there.
And okay gang, you know the ruIes.
No humping, no pushing, no sniffing.
Where've you been? My dogs shouId
have been here 40 minutes ago.
Now I hardIy have time to primp them.
- Don't worry, Mrs. Noogieburger.
- New...
- These pooches don't need primping.
Why, I bathed them and cIipped them
myseIf. I stand by my performance.
On second thoughts,
you might want to comb them.
Thanks. Here you go.
- Oh no, Mary.
I couIdn't possibIy accept that.
Not after aII we've been through.
Thank you, LIoyd.
Good Iuck with your worms.
How about a hug?