I tought I taw a puddy tat. I did, I did...
We drove around aII day and
there's not a singIe job in this town.
There's nothing, nada, zip!
UnIess you want to work
40 hours a week!
Here. I'm going to the store.
Just get the essentiaIs. That's our dough.
- What do I Iook Iike?
Excuse me... IittIe oId Iady.
You have change of a doIIar?
- Change? No I'm sorry.
WeII, couId you do me a favor?
Watch my stuff whiIe I break a doIIar?
Of course.
- Thanks.
I guess that senior citizens may be
sIow and dangerous at the wheeI...
...but they can stiII serve a purpose.
I'II be right back.
Don't you go dying on me.