You okay, man? It was just a goof.
Ouch, my uIcer.
My piIIs.
- Maybe we shouId caII an ambuIance.
You'II get your piIIs.
Don't worry, I know CPR.
I'II get the piIIs.
It's a Iot easier if you just Iay back.
He's resisting me.
PiIIs are good for you.
- Let 'em go down.
That's better.
You want to ketchup
and mustard Iike us?
Some of a bitch!
Check pIease!
I can't beIieve it.
Life's a fragiIe thing here.
One minute you're chewing on a burger,
the next you're dead meat.
But he bIamed me.
You heard his Iast words.
Not if you count the gurgIing sounds.